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close up of wasp head

As with many other insects, there are multiple varieties of wasps. Depending on the species and the age of the wasp, they can range from a quarter inch long up to an inch. All wasps have the distinctive "wasp body shape" -- thinner 3-part body, six legs, two sets of wings, and antennae. They can be yellow, black, brown, or red.


Fortunately, of the thousands of wasp species, only a few are a real stinging hazard. However, one type of wasp - a yellowjacket- is. They are mean, tenacious and painful (even deadly). Bald-faced hornets and paper wasps are also aggressive stingers and a danger to people and pets.  Hornets are another larger type of wasp.



To learn even more about wasps, check out our blog post

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